Splash Attack!
That's awesome! So true, stupid splash. Great job, your videos rocks!
Splash Attack!
That's awesome! So true, stupid splash. Great job, your videos rocks!
The best one yet!
Out of all the Unforgotten Realms, this is by far the best. I love all the Megaman and Zelda references, especially the ending. Great job!
Pretty good
Yeah I agree with the guy before me! Sony sucks, end of story! Pretty good flahs by the way. I kinda laughed when I heard stuff from 300
Now you look like an emo! XD
Lol that was random. Gues we'll have to wait for another teagirl XP
So accurate!
I have seen a session of dungeons and dragons and it goes just like this ^^ hey when my mom played it it went like this. Great job!
Better then the first!
I loved the first one, and this is even better! Great job
Pretty good
I thought it was pretty good. Kinda short, but I like the LoZ music ^^
Hello, I'm known on the internet as Keenarnor. Normally I make sprite comics on my website, but I'm gonna learn Flash and give it a try ^_^
Age 33, Male
Niceville Highschool
Crestview, FL
Joined on 3/12/07